caitlin gill tattoos

Tattoo Designs - Getting the Perfect Tattoo

Tattoos are a life long commitment and there is no simple tattoo eraser. Although if things go seriously wrong, you can get laser removal - it is painful and expensive. It is your responsibility to get the results you desire and thus you should do your homework in order to get a tattoo that is perfect for you.

Here are 6 things to consider when getting your tattoo:

1. Avoid spur of the moment tattoos.

Sometimes it is great to be impulsive, but tattoos are permanent - it is something you shouldn't take lightly. Quick decisions can lead to a lifetime of regret and that poorly thought out tattoo design you convinced yourself you loved, will stare back at you for a lifetime. So thus you should avoid getting one in hast.

2. Pressure.

This leads on from point one. Don't get a tattoo under pressure. When going to get one, you should really have your design ready or have some idea of the type of tattoo you want. You don't want to go into a tattoo parlour and feel under pressure for selecting one. You will only leave with a tattoo you are mildly satisfied with and over time will wish you never got! This includes allowing your friends to pressure you into a decision.

3. Choosing your design.

Do not take this step lightly. Make sure this is your choice and no one elses and don't compromise on your tattoo design. It should be something you absolutely love and are completely satisfied with - afterall it will be on you for a very long time.

Don't go straight to a tattoo parlour and select a design from their selection - you don't have to do this and this may make you feel under pressure with picking one. Selecting a tattoo online will free you from this pressure. Once you have your design you can print off and show your tattooist, who will appreciate you being prepared.

4. Testing out your design.

Not only is the design important, but size can also be a major factor. You don't want the perfect design but wishing you had gotten it slightly bigger/smaller. It does happen. Also what about location? You may not be able to pick this without first seeing it on. There are online services that offer stencils, where you can try out your design first. These are well worth looking into, because you don't want to make a huge mistake

5. Picking your tattoo artist.

You should try and pick an artist you feel comfortable with and trust. There are many talented artists out there but some may only work with stencils, as opposed to free hand. If you can't provide a stencil (although there are many services online where you can), you may want to try and find someone who can draw your design free hand from a picture.

6. On the day.

Make sure you do not drink alcohol 24 hours before and are well rested. Make sure you eat a good breakfast/lunch so you aren't hungry. You want to be relaxed and comfortable during the process. You want your tattooist to be able to concentrate on your tattoo and on doing a good job. If you tense up or complain about the pain it is likely to have a negative effect on your tattoo - so try to remain calm and relaxed. You want to make sure it comes out perfect!

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