Australia: flood & fire map. Posted on 17, February 2009 by Jane
Australian Flood Map.

There's also a map of Australia (various colours) that show the rainfall
Make a map of the monthly rainfall in your state/area.
map showing the extent of high rainfall and flood events
Australia: flood & fire map. Posted on 17, February 2009 by Jane
Flooding in Western Australia, January 23rd to 25th, 2003

The flooding
Incoming search terms:australia flooding map,Australia flood,australia flood
recent floods. Many communities have been devastated.

Maps predict future floods for Australian cities
Australia: flood & fire map. Posted on 17, February 2009 by Jane
Asia China & Japan Australia: my flood map | about | pr*v*cy Data provided

When we think of large scale floods in Australia
Property is inundated with flood waters in Tumut, New South Wales, Australia
Map of variability of Australian rainfall for the seasons (Spring & summer)

Fiji critical of Australia's flood aid contribution

Australia Floods 2011 Photos,Map,Queensland Flooding Videos News
I don't mean to make light of the terrible misfortune of Australians right
Queensland Flood Map (10-01-2010)